BRIGHT 2023: prenotazione eventi

Venerdì 29 Settembre 2023 torna BRIGHT, la Notte Europea delle Ricercatrici e dei Ricercatori. Il programma completo delle iniziative a Pisa è disponibile alla pagina web La sezione pisana dell’INO contribuirà alle attività presso l’Area di Ricerca CNR con “laboratori aperti” (dalle 16 alle 20) sulla Ludoteca Scientifica (con una selezione di giochi), il Telegrafo Ottico, la Crittografia Classica e Quantistica.

Sarà inoltre possibile (su prenotazione al link…/bright-visita-al-super…) visitare il laboratorio ILIL col “superlaser”.

Nella sessione “Bright Tech Talk” (pillole di scienza e altro in 8 minuti) riproporremo “Perché un alieno non può atterrare a Lucca (né a Pisa)?” di A. Macchi, alle 18:30 in auditorium.

Infine, calato il buio, si potranno fare osservazioni astronomiche al telescopio (su prenotazione al link…/bright-osservatorio…).

Vi aspettiamo!

Postdoc position in the field of Laser-Plasma Acceleration and applications

A postdoc research position is currently available at CNR, to work on Laser-driven particle acceleration and applications in material science and medicine.
The position is available in the framework of a project aimed at studying the response of new materials to high flux of energetic particles (funded by ENI SpA) and the project ”iFAST – Innovation Fostering in Accelerator Science and Technology” (funded by the EU).

The position is expected to be funded for 2 to 3 years.

More details can be found here.

For further informations, feel free to contact us at the following addresses:
Leonida A. Gizzi, email:
Luca Labate, email:

Postdoctoral position on “Intense Laser-Plasma Interaction” at CNR-INO in Pisa

One annual post PhD position has been recently issued at the Istituto Nazionale di Ottica – CNR in Pisa.

The research work will be devoted to the experimental investigation of the interaction of intense laser pulses with plasmas in conditions which are relevant for Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF), and in particular Shock Ignition.
The activity will include the investigation of the growth of parametric instabilities (Stimulated Raman Scattering, Two Plasmon Decay, Stimulated Brillouin Scattering) and of the generation of sovrathermal electrons. 

The selection will be performed by CV and an online interview. The deadline for the applications is 6 December.
Here is attached the call, unfortunately in Italian, and the description of the research activity. The interview can be in Italian or in English.
Here you can find the call

Deadline: 04/11/2021.

Gabriele Cristoforetti,, tel. +39 050 315 3600
Leonida A. Gizzi,, tel. +39 050 315 2257

Bright 2021 si avvicina

Come ogni anno, l’ultimo venerdì di settembre si terrà BRIGHT 2021, la NOTTE DEI RICERCATORI; quest’anno quindi si svolgerà il 24 Settembre. Per tradizione, l’evento ha sempre visto la massiccia partecipazione in presenza della gente accorsa all’area della ricerca del CNR di Pisa per assistere a dimostrazioni scientifiche, presentazioni, seminari, eventi ludici e altro.  Purtroppo, come già l’anno passato, anche quest’anno, causa la pandemia e i relativi problemi di sicurezza, l’evento di Bright NIGHT 2021 sarà fatto quasi tutto in remoto, utilizzando canali multimediali. Solo il 24/9 pomeriggio saremo in presenza in centro città con alcuni dibattiti, insieme a Università ed altri Enti e in largo Ciro Menotti con qualche stand.

Le tematiche di Bright Night di quest’anno riguarderanno i seguenti argomenti:

1. Sosteniamo il pianeta

2. Per una comunità sostenibile

3. Un mondo migliore per tutti

4. Futuri..amo

5. Ricerca in Salute

6. Fatti non foste a viver come bruti….: l’eredità di dante nella ricerca.

Maggiori informazioni sui seminari, i mini-TED e i laboratori aperti sono disponibili su

Partecipate numerosi !!!

Per maggiori informazioni: Dott. ssa Federica Baffigi,, tel.+39 0503152256

Post-doc Fellowships in Laser-Plasma Acceleration available

ILIL is looking for a young (<36 years old) scientist for a 1 year post-doc fellowships (net salary approx 1620 euro/month).
The project aims at the application of laser driven (all-optical) high-energy charged particles and secondary X/gamma radiation in medicine and non-destructive elemental analysis (for instance X-raytomography and Particle Induce X-ray Emission – PIXE).
A PhD or 3 years post-graduate experience in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics or Engineering is required, along with a good knowledge of spoken and written English.Instruction for application at, Codice Bando INO-008-2019-PI-Prot 0012566.
Deadline: 18/03/2019.


For more information please contact:

Fernando Brandi,, tel. +39 050 315 2584
Luca Labate,, tel. +39 050 315 2255
Leonida A. Gizzi,, tel. +39 050 315 2257



“Gli assegni di ricerca sono finanziati per il 50% con le risorse del POR FSE 2014-2020 e rientrano nell’ambito di Giovanisì (, il progetto della Regione Toscana per l’autonomia dei giovani”

Recently published paper on Nuclear Fusion


A new paper was recently published on Nuclear Fusion (D. Batani et al 2019 Nucl. Fusion 59 ,032012).
The paper includes a review of the experimental results obtained in recent years at PALS, irradiating a thin multilayer target by 1w and 3w laser pulses at Shock Ignition intensities. Some numerical results obtained by hydrosimulations and Particle In Cell simulations are also included in the paper. Laser Plasma Interaction results, in particular the characterization of parametric instabilities (SBS, SRS and TPD), were carried out by the ILIL group.

New paper published on Nuclear and Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A

Light Ion Accelerating Line (L3IA): Test experiment at ILIL-PW

The construction of a novel Laser driven Light Ions Acceleration Line (L3IA) is progressing rapidly towards the operation, following the recent upgrade of the ILIL-PW laser facility. The Line was designed following the pilot experimental activity carried out earlier at the same facility to define design parameters and to identify main components including target control and diagnostic equipment, also in combination with the numerical simulations for the optimization of laser and target parameters. A preliminary set of data was acquired following the successful commissioning of the laser system 100 TW upgrade. Data include output from a range of different ion detectors and optical diagnostics installed for qualification of the laser-target interaction. An overview of the results is given along with a description of the relevant upgraded laser facility and features


Full Text from Publisher

Research article on Laser-Plasma Interaction relevant for Shock Ignition scheme promoted by Physics of Plasmas as an Editor’s Pick.

Shock Ignition is a promising approach to reach ignition by means of intense laser pulses driving a strong shock on a pre-compressed fuel pellet. This scheme, proposed in 2007 by R.Betti (Rochester University, USA), has the advantage of strongly reducing the hydrodynamic instabilities. Moreover, a full-scale demonstration can be realized with present day technology and facilities (e.g. National Ignition Facility in Livermore, Laser MegaJoule in Bordeaux). In the framework of a recently approved collaborative European project, funded by EUROFUSION (European Consortium for the Development of Fusion Energy), we recently carried out several experimental campaigns at the Prague Asterix Laser System (Prague, Czech Republic) to investigate laser-plasma interaction in conditions relevant for Shock Ignition, i.e. laser intensities of 10^16 W/cm2 impinging on long (mm) and hot (several keV) plasmas .
The paper “Measurements of parametric instabilities at laser intensities relevant to strong shock generation” analyses in detail the onset and the growth of parametric instabilities (Stimulated Raman Scattering, Stimulated Brillouin Scattering, Two Plasmon Decay) in such conditions . It has been recently published in Physics of Plasmas and promoted as an Editor’s Pick.

2 post-doc fellowships available at ILIL

On going research activities include electron and proton acceleration, X and gamma-ray generation, as well as applications of the produced high energy radiation. In this context, ILIL is looking for 2 young (< 36 years old) scientists for 2-year post-doc fellowships each (net salary approx 1600 euro/month), to be hired in the framework of the project ARCO-CNR “LASERPIXE”, recently funded by Regione Toscana (participating partners: National Institute of Optics – CNR, Institute of Clinical Physiology – CNR, INFN – Sezione di Firenze, VCS Parma). The activity will concern the application of laser driven (all-optical) high-energy charged particles and secondary X/gamma radiation in medicine and non-destructive elemental analysis (for instance X-ray tomography and Particle Induce X-ray Emission – PIXE). A PhD or 3 years post-graduate experience in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics or Engineering is required, along with a good knowledge of spoken and written English.

Here you can find the call


Deadline: 15 january 2018

For further information please contact:
Fernando Brandi,, tel. +39 050 315 2584
Luca Labate,, tel. +39 050 315 2255
Leonida A. Gizzi,, tel. +39 050 315 2257