Post-doc Fellowships in Laser-Plasma Acceleration available

ILIL is looking for a young (<36 years old) scientist for a 1 year post-doc fellowships (net salary approx 1620 euro/month).
The project aims at the application of laser driven (all-optical) high-energy charged particles and secondary X/gamma radiation in medicine and non-destructive elemental analysis (for instance X-raytomography and Particle Induce X-ray Emission – PIXE).
A PhD or 3 years post-graduate experience in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics or Engineering is required, along with a good knowledge of spoken and written English.Instruction for application at, Codice Bando INO-008-2019-PI-Prot 0012566.
Deadline: 18/03/2019.


For more information please contact:

Fernando Brandi,, tel. +39 050 315 2584
Luca Labate,, tel. +39 050 315 2255
Leonida A. Gizzi,, tel. +39 050 315 2257



“Gli assegni di ricerca sono finanziati per il 50% con le risorse del POR FSE 2014-2020 e rientrano nell’ambito di Giovanisì (, il progetto della Regione Toscana per l’autonomia dei giovani”

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