Full aperture backscatter diagnostics for characterization of laser plasma instabilities at the extreme light infrastructure (ELI) beamlines

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F. Wasser, Ş. Zähter, M. Sokol, M. Rivers, S. Atzeni, F. P. Condamine, G. Cristoforetti, G. Fauvel, N. Fischer, L. A. Gizzi, A. Hannasch, M. Hesse, T. Laštovička, P. Lutz, P. Rubovič, G. Schaumann, N. Schott, R. L. Singh, W. Theobald, S. Weber, T. Ditmire, T. Forner and M. Roth

Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 093503 (2023)


We report on the commissioning of a full aperture backscatter diagnostics station for the kilojoule, nanosecond high repetition rate L4n laser operating at a wavelength of 527 nm at the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) - Beamlines, Dolni Brezany, Czech Republic. Light scattered back from laser–plasma interaction into the cone of the final focusing lens is captured and split into different channels to measure the signatures of laser plasma instabilities from stimulated Brillouin scattering, stimulated Raman scattering, and two plasmon decay with
respect to back scattered energy, its spectrum, and its temporal profile. The performance was confirmed in a commissioning experiment with more than 800 shots at laser intensities ranging from 0.5 × 10^13 to 1.1 × 10^15 W cm^−2. These diagnostics are permanently installed at ELI Beamlines, and can be used to understand the details of laser–plasma interactions in experiments with kJ and 527 nm light. The large number of shots that can be collected in an experimental campaign will allow us to study the details of the laser–plasma interaction with a high level of confidence.

  • Versione
  • Scarica 4
  • Dimensioni file 8.20 MB
  • Conteggio file 1
  • Data di Pubblicazione Novembre 17, 2023
  • Ultimo aggiornamento Novembre 17, 2023

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