Characterization of hot electrons generated by laser–plasma interaction at shock ignition intensities

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E. D. Filippov, M. Khan, A. Tentori, P. Gajdos, A. S. Martynenko, R. Dudzak, P. Koester, G. Zeraouli, D. Mancelli, F. Baffigi, L. A. Gizzi, S. A. Pikuz, Ph.D. Nicolaï, N. C. Woolsey, R. Fedosejevs, M. Krus, L. Juha, D. Batani, O. Renner and G. Cristoforetti

Matter Radiat. Extremes 8, 065602 (2023)


In an experiment carried out at the Prague Asterix Laser System at laser intensities relevant to shock ignition conditions (I > 10^16 W/cm^2), the heating and transport of hot electrons were studied by using several complementary diagnostics, i.e., Kα time-resolved imaging, hard x-ray filtering (a bremsstrahlung cannon), and electron spectroscopy. Ablators with differing composition from low Z (parylene N) to high Z (nickel) were used in multilayer planar targets to produce plasmas with different coronal temperature and collisionality and modify the conditions of hot-electron generation. The variety of available diagnostics allowed full characterization of the population of hot electrons, retrieving their conversion efficiency, time generation and duration, temperature, and angular divergence. The obtained results are shown to be consistent with those from detailed simulations and similar inertial confinement fusion experiments. Based on the measured data, the advantages, reliability, and complementarity of the experimental diagnostics are discussed.

  • Versione
  • Scarica 4
  • Dimensioni file 7.95 MB
  • Conteggio file 1
  • Data di Pubblicazione Novembre 17, 2023
  • Ultimo aggiornamento Novembre 17, 2023

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