L.A. Gizzi, F. Baffigi, F. Brandi, G. Bussolino, G. Cristoforetti, A. Fazzi, L. Fulgentini, D. Giove, P. Koester, L. Labate, G. Maero, D. Palla, M. Romé, P. Tomassini
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 2018, 909, 160-163
The construction of a novel Laser driven Light Ions Acceleration Line (L3IA) is progressing rapidly towards the operation, following the recent upgrade of the ILIL-PW laser facility. The Line was designed following the pilot experimental activity carried out earlier at the same facility to define design parameters and to identify main components including target control and diagnostic equipment, also in combination with the numerical simulations for the optimization of laser and target parameters. A preliminary set of data was acquired following the successful commissioning of the laser system >100 TW upgrade. Data include output from a range of different ion detectors and optical diagnostics installed for qualification of the laser-target interaction. An overview of the results is given along with a description of the relevant upgraded laser facility and features.
- Versione
- Scarica 42
- Dimensioni file 1.63 MB
- Conteggio file 1
- Data di Pubblicazione Aprile 9, 2018
- Ultimo aggiornamento Dicembre 29, 2018