G. Lanzalone, A. Muoio, C. Altana, M. Frassetto, L. Malferrari, D. Mascali, F. Odorici, S. Tudisco , L.A. Gizzi, L. Labate, S.M.R. Puglia, A. Trifirò
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1014 (2018) 012006
This work aim to prepare a program of studies on nuclear physics and astrophysics, which will be conducted at the new ELI-NP Laser facility, which actually is under construction
in Bucharest, Romania. For the arguments treated, such activity has required also a multidisciplinary approach and knowledge in the fields of nuclear physics, astrophysics, laser
and plasma physics join with also some competences on solid state physics related to the radiation detection. A part of this work has concerned to the experimental test, which have been performed in several laboratories and in order to study and increase the level of knowledge on the different parts of the project. In particular have been performed studies on the laser matter interaction at the ILIL laboratory of Pisa Italy and at the LENS laboratory in Catania, where (by using different experimental set-ups) has been investigated some key points concerning the production of the plasma stream. Test has been performed on several target configurations in terms of: composition, structure and size. All the work has been devoted to optimize the conditions of target in order to have the best performance on the production yields and on energies distribution of the inner plasma ions. A parallel activity has been performed in order to study the two main detectors, which will constitute the full detections system, which will be installed at the ELI-NP facility.
- Versione
- Scarica 4
- Dimensioni file 610.50 KB
- Conteggio file 1
- Data di Pubblicazione Dicembre 29, 2018
- Ultimo aggiornamento Dicembre 29, 2018