G. Vantaggiato, L. Labate, P. Tomassini, L.A. Gizzi
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 909 (2018) 114–117
A new method for the generation of a train of pulses from a single high-energy, ultra short pulse is presented, suited for Resonant Multi-Pulse Ionization injection (Tomassini, 2017). The method is based on different transverse portion of the pulse being delayed by a ‘‘mask’’ sectioned in concentric zones with different thicknesses, in order to deliver multiple laser pulses. The mask is placed right before the last focusing parabola. A hole in the middle of the mask lets part of the original pulse to pass through to drive electron injection. In this paper a full
numerical modelling of this scheme is presented. In particular we discuss the spatial and temporal profile of the pulses emerging from the mask and how they are related to the radius and thickness of each section.
- Versione
- Scarica 26
- Dimensioni file 848.92 KB
- Conteggio file 1
- Data di Pubblicazione Dicembre 29, 2018
- Ultimo aggiornamento Dicembre 29, 2018