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L.A. Gizzi , P. Koester, L. Labate, F. Mathieu, Z. Mazzotta, G. Toci, M. Vannini
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 909 (2018) 58–66
The construction of a novel user facility employing laser-driven plasma acceleration with superior beam quality will require an industrial grade, high repetition rate
petawatt laser driver which is beyond existing technology. However, with the ongoing fast development of chirped pulse amplification and high average power laser
technology, options can be identified depending on the envisioned laser–plasma acceleration scheme and on the time scale for construction. Here we discuss laser
requirements for the EuPRAXIA infrastructure design and identify a suitable laser concepts that is likely to fulfill such requirements with a moderate development
of existing technologies.
- Versione
- Scarica 12
- Dimensioni file 1.77 MB
- Conteggio file 1
- Data di Pubblicazione Dicembre 29, 2018
- Ultimo aggiornamento Dicembre 29, 2018